一篇棒针编织基础,棒针编织收边的中英文对照教程,可用于毛衣袖口收针,毛衣 腋窝收针和开口手套怎么收针等。非常清楚的收针教程,不需要收针视频也能学会,相信看了这些毛衣的收边织法你一定很容易搞定毛衣收针喽~
*Insert it knitwise into the first stitch on the needle closest to you and at the same time knitwise into the first stitch on the back needle.
*插入knitwise将在第一针针最接近你和进入背部针第一针同时 knitwise。
Wrap as for a knit stitch and draw the working yarn through both stitches to make one stitch which is now on the larger, right hand needle.*
Repeat from * to * so that there are now two stitches on the right hand needle.
**Using the tip of one of the needles in your left hand (here shown using the needle closest to you) **
...lift the first stitch worked over the second stitch worked... ...
...just like regular binding off! ...就像普通约束力的了! ** **
Work one more stitch, then repeat from ** to **.工作多针,然后重复从**至**.
On the inside of the work, the 3 needle bind off looks like this:论工作,3针绑定过这样看起来里面:
And thus can be used for a decorative chain on the outside of the work just hold the WRONG sides together while working the bind off instead!
Double crochet bind off 双钩针绑定关闭
The double crochet bind off uses a crochet hook of approximately the same size as the knitting needles held in the right hand.
双钩针绑定过使用了大约在右手举行的织针相同大小的钩针。 Use the crochet hook to knit two stitches. 用钩针编织两针。
*Wrap the yarn once around the crochet hook... *包装纱线一旦周围钩针...
And pull it through both loops.拉它通过两个循环。
Knit one more stitch with the crochet hook* and repeat from * to *.针织多与钩针针*和重复的*为*.
The result is a decorative edging that looks like this:其结果是一种装饰边如下所示: